Hello, thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
Since I am practically inviting you into my kitchen, I thought it would be good if we got to know each other first. So please sit down and make yourself at home while I tell you a little about my culinary journey.
When I was little, I loved to watch people cook. My favorite TV show was The Frugal Gourmet on PBS. I could often be found sitting on a stool watching my mom cook and daydreaming about day that I too would be able to cook.
I started practicing my culinary skills in the backyard making mud pies. That didn’t last long of course because I could never convince anybody to eat them.
A few years later I entered my “experimental” stage in life. My BFF/ cousin Jack ( his name has been changed to protect the innocent) convinced me that his golden lab was in possession of some pretty tasty treats. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it right. We started snacking on the dog food. I was not a full on addict, however, I would snack on it in between meals. Then one bright and sunny day while we were soaking up the sun and enjoying each others company, the following happened. Jack reached his hand into the bag of dog food and it tipped over. The dog food started rolling down the steep driveway. Now, this driveway was not your average Joe driveway. Jack’s house sat up on a very large hill making the driveway pretty steep! At this point and time in my life I really was trying to cut back on the dog food, but that all quickly went out the window. Jack started grabbing handfuls of the nasty dog food and shoving them in his mouth. He then turned to me and ordered me to do the same before his Mom came home (his mom was not very happy about us consuming the dog food). So being the good friend that I was, I joined in.
Of course looking back now, I can see the best option would have been to simply put the dog food back in the bag. But hey, we were in shock and were not thinking clearly. We can’t be blamed for our actions.
After all evidence of any mischievous behavior had been consumed. I vowed to myself to only eat food that has been FDA approved for human consumption and I have never looked back.
I went on to conduct many experiments in the kitchen. One experiment included a little flour, water, a sauté pan, and a dream to invent the tastiest dish my family ever ate. However, you can imagine that warmed up paste isn’t very appetizing.
The day I had always dreamed of finally arrived when I was nine years old. My dad agreed to let me make Kraft Mac and Cheese. He patiently read through the instructions and then stood by my side as I cooked. I knew the moment that the water started boiling that I was hooked!
This food loving culinary crazy girl continued over the years trying new recipes, creating recipes, and happily feeding anybody that would willing open their mouth.
In 2008 I was able to attend a Culinary Arts program at the MATC. It was there that I discovered that there was so much more to the culinary world than I had ever imagined. I learned a lot of new skills and fell even deeper in love with cooking (if that was even possible). I graduated from the program two years later.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I love to cook. I am so excited to share with all of you my passion. I hope you enjoy all my tips, tricks, and recipes.
Now it is your turn to share. I want to get to know you too! Please feel free to tell me about yourself! I want to know what you like to cook? What is your favorite food? Where do you like to eat? What recipes you would like to see on my blog?
I look forward to getting to know you better!
Until next time my friends!
Happy Eating!
I LOVE your blog! I just printed off some of your yummy recipies to try.
Thank you are so sweet! I did have to fix one mistake on the sugar cookie recipe. I left off the sugar(kind of important I guess). It calls for 1 cup of granulated sugar. You can view the revised recipe on the blog now. Thanks again!
Thanks Shuree! You are such a sweetheart!
I can’t tell you how excited I am to follow you on your new adventure! After all, in our house we call you Chef Carrie! 🙂